The Gratitude Habit

I believe small gestures that really express focused, concentrated appreciation for people will bring out the best in them. When done well, personal thank you notes have a powerful, magical effect. Between the lines they can say, “I’m not only grateful for the gift, I’m grateful for YOU too!”  In our global world more and more friendships live in the virtual world. Our personal, life-sustaining relationships are eroding.  A thank you note can be a gift back to the giver that preserves and builds personal relationships that our survival depends on.  A gift may not change lives.

The Gratitude Habit

I believe small gestures that really express focused, concentrated appreciation for people will bring out the best in them. When done well, personal thank you notes have a powerful, magical effect. Between the lines they can say, “I’m not only grateful for the gift, I’m grateful for YOU too!”  In our global world more and more friendships live in the virtual world. Our personal, life-sustaining relationships are eroding.  A thank you note can be a gift back to the giver that preserves and builds personal relationships that our survival depends on. A gift may not change lives. But our response of gratitude certainly can. Enjoy the Gratitude! It's one of the easy habits to build and share.

Pizza, Peace, and Patience: A Habit for Change

What’s the common denominator for change to occur? The common denominator is always about readiness. When something isn’t ready to change under your hand, let it rest. Don’t force people to take the shape you want. Use your best ingredients, warmth, and vision, and then be patient. When you step away and let other’s rest and relax, they will RISE. Read More Here

READ: Bumper Stickers: A Habit of Driving Goodwill Home

Everything we do tells the world a little more about who we are –and—what we think of the world. Think of a “bumper sticker” that you’re willing to stick to? What’s the timeless message that you want to live and give? What do you want to reveal about yourself? I mean what’s’ the best part of you to share that can help us all?

READ: Pizza Peace and Patience: A Habit for Change

Americans are in the habit of eating a lot of pizza. We eat over 6,000 slices of pizza in their lifetime. What does this have to do with change? Read more to find out. We’ve all tried to change our behavior, attitudes, and our relationships. And we try, maybe even more often, to change other people! We have different approaches. Tough love. Sweet talk. Bribery. Role modelling. Magic wands. Discipline. Ultimatums. Prayer. Sometimes our strategies work- other times not so much.What’s the common denominator for change to occur? The common denominator is always about readiness. Is the one needing change ready to change?

READ: Wave: A Habit of Appreciation

I think we wait our whole life for big (and small) gestures that express appreciation; signs that remind us we matter, I love you, I’m not going anywhere.   Waving is something we all do. It tells a little about who WE are. In a nanosecond we send or receive a message of welcome or gratitude. It’s a subtle sign of acknowledgement. And – a wave actually tells others what we think of THEM. A wave says what words cannot. Before the 2 year old can even speak, he or she can wave, as if to say, “I see you" and just as important, "I want to be seen by you!” We wave when words are inadequate or impossible. Make no mistake, when we no longer see the wave, we can still feel it. Find these little opportunities to make people feel good.

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